My Courses

 Get Ready!
Baby is Coming!


Life is good! Baby is on the way! And you want to be the best parent ever!

BUT ... Where do you start? What should you do? What comes first? What should wait?

You'll find plenty of answers in my course, Get Ready! Baby is Coming!  - even ones you didn't even think of! 

You will learn how to PREPARE yourself on three levels for this challenging adventure called parenthood: spiritually, mentally, and emotionally so that you can face the new challenges that are awaiting you. 

You will be EMPOWERED with practical guidelines to learn the secret to raising emotionally healthy kids and PREVENTING emotional damage in your kids.  (GO TO THE COURSE)

This is what you will learn:

  1. SECTION 1 - Welcome and Introduction

    • First of all, you will understand why prevention is far better than cure.  

    • You will get insight into how a counselling appointment with an 8-year-old boy gave birth to this course.

    • Furthermore, you will get some guidelines on how to make the best of this course.

  2. SECTION 2 - Mommy, where did I come from?

    • We start with the BIG QUESTION - Mommy, where did I come from? and finally, end with the BIGGER QUESTION - Mommy, where will I spend eternity?

    • Between these two questions, the following topics will come to life:

      1. Learn how colourfully God embroidered your baby with various colours.  

      2. Discover the beauty of how God views our kids.

      3. Be comforted that God has a unique plan for your baby.

      4. Find out how to take out "Eternal Life Insurance".    (GO TO THE COURSE)

  3. SECTION 3 - Unexpected and surprising challenges new parents face

    • Learn about 3 external challenges all new parents face and how to deal with them.

    • Learn about 4 internal challenges parents have to face and deal with.    (GO TO THE COURSE)

  4. SECTION 4 - The Power of Love

    • Everything is built on love - not the feeling, but the action! 

    • In this section, we focus on the following:

      1. Unconditional Love

      2. Unconditional Acceptance

      3. How to love unconditionally

      4. How to distinguish between your kid and your kid's behaviour

      5. How to apply Emotional First Aid to little broken or empty hearts

      6. How to keep their little love tanks full  (GO TO THE COURSE)

  5. SECTION 5 - Bonus Lecture

    • In this final section, I wrap everything up with a ...

      1. Review

      2. Reminder

      3. Request

      4. Reward   

This course is not based on book knowledge but on personal experience in my own life, as well as in the lives of many people that I have counselled.  I know that the principles I am sharing with you, are working, and they are life-changing.  IF YOU APPLY THEM.  (GO TO THE COURSE)

* * * * *


As a mother of 4, I can definitely say, that I wish I knew so many of the things I have learned in this course and was more prepared before becoming a parent. I am also a pre-school teacher for ages 3 - 4 and In the short time of doing this course, I have already started applying some of the principles learned, in my own grown kids and also in my students, and what a huge difference it has already made. 

Get Ready! Baby is coming! is a must for every parent and teacher. I will certainly be recommending this life-changing course to friends, family and parents. Thank you so much!

Such an amazing foundation-building course. As a BabyGym Instructor, teacher and mom of a 5-year-old son and 8-month-old little girl, I realize that these truths can change the lives of generations! 

The content is very well structured and the downloadable resources are very effective. The principles taught in this course are life-changing and I enjoyed every lecture a lot!


This course has been such an eye-opener for me. I am a mother of two boys, 5 years and 3 years. And we have daily struggles with both of them to manage their emotions in different situations. Now I can recognize the origin of the problem and assist them with more patients and understanding.

I like the printable worksheets where you can reflect on the different topics and also the bible verses to go back to if in need. The instructor is also to the point and genuine which makes the course engaging and easy to follow.
This course is a game-changer for our family and generations to come. Thank you, Stef!


What a lovely course, so far! I'm not even through it yet, but have learned so much already. As a mama of 3 girls, (including TWINS!), I wish someone had shared all this wisdom and knowledge with us 9 years ago, before we had stepped into this amazing, yet hard, rewarding, yet tiring adventure! 

Don't get me wrong...I wouldn't change it for the world, but every parent needs someone to hold up their arms along the way, cheering them on. Well, the "cheer" is right here in this course! Thank you! 

The material is packed with power and truth, yet so much grace. It is practical and honest. It is helping me to go deeper and be a better mama, by asking good questions and offering good resources and tools. This roller-coaster ride called parenthood truly is a wonder-filled adventure!




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